Thank you for your support and participation

The ARHS PGO raises funds all year to support activities in the school. Thanks to all of you who dropped off old textiles, donated used sneakers, and participated in the various fundraisers we offered this year. We used those funds to support community-building activities like the fall ice cream social and the staff appreciation lunch. Thank you also to everyone who gave their time to bring treats to the staff or to help put on the staff appreciation lunch.

Our fundraising also allowed us to give out over $8,000 this year in grants to students and staff at ARHS. Those grants funded field trips for clubs and classes, guest speakers, and student projects, helping the staff provide experiences for ARHS students that would not be possible within the limits of school funding. Our final thank you is to everyone who submitted grant proposals this year–it was always a treat to see the range of things going on in the school!

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