New PGO members–could this be you?

We are happy to introduce two more PGO members who will be working with us this year, Arina Beg and Heather Anderson. We are still looking for a few more guardians or parents, especially those with current 9th or 10th graders since most of us will “graduate” this year. Please read below to learn a little bit about Arina and Heather. Heather was also kind enough to speak to those of us who are hesitant to get involved because of the many demands on our time, so we encourage you to see what she had to say on this topic. And finally, please remember that the PGO is here for ALL of us, to enhance communication between families and the school, so reach out whenever you have a question, or to find out more about what the PGO entails:

Arina says, “My name is Arina Beg, I’m from Maryland and just moved to Massachusetts 2 years ago from Saudi Arabia. I have 2 sons: one will be a Junior at UMass, and my youngest son Abdullah Sherwani is a senior at ARHS.” Arina reached out to us after coming to a PGO coffee last spring–be on the lookout for these informal events, which are a great way to connect with other parents and guardians while you learn about things going on at the school.

Heather writes, “I am a single mother who raised a daughter (now in her 20’s) through Crocker Farm, ARMS, and the ARHS, and am now raising an 11th grade son and a 9th grade son who are members of the ARHS community.  While I have raised my children as an involved parent in their immediate schools in many ways, I have not before now, involved myself in groups or committees associated with the district.  Having watched the schools operate from a sideline view, I am realizing even more now, that my experiences and my voice cannot be heard if I remain silent. After meeting to have a conversation with PGO members Kate and Susan to learn about what being a member means, and learning that the time commitment is less than I initially thought, I am excited and look forward to joining the PGO.”

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